2022 marks the best year ever for Italian merchandise exports to Florida, the fourth biggest market in the USA. Italy reached a significant 3,470.9 million dollars in value of goods exported to the Sunshine State, with a vigorous growth of +26.6% compared to the previous year.
According to data recently released by Enterprise Florida based on sources from the U.S. Department of Commerce, among the Italian products that record the most noteworthy growth the first one is Yachts and Boats, with a total value of 522.9 million dollars and a +37.5% compared to 2021.
The Motor cars and vehicles sector ranks second with a total value of 301.1 million dollars although with a slight decrease of -3.7%, followed in third position by Products from Petrol.
In fourth position, we find another iconic Italian product: Wine, with an impressive $197.9 millions and +5.5% growth compared to 2021.
Furniture, is up by as much as 24.1% over the previous year, followed by Ceramic tiles in sixth position, with growth of +8.7% and a total value of $ 110.4 millions.
Another important growth was recorded in the Cosmetics sector: +54.3% compared to the previous year.
Jewelry another strong “Made in Italy” exporting industry reached $64.8 millions in 2022, with a reduction of -5.8% in comparison with 2021
Among food and beverage products, in addition to wine, exports of mineral waters (+61.6%) olive oil (+28.9%), and pasta (+48.5%) recorded significant growth.
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Si è svolto mercoledì 15 marzo il webinar Il Mercato Agroalimentare negli Stati Uniti e Presentazione dell’evento “Authentic Italian Food & Wine Festival”, organizzato dalla Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast, Inc.
La Florida, con un PIL di $ 1.400 miliardi, è la quarta forza economica degli Stati Uniti ed è il 3° stato per popolazione. Rappresenta il quarto mercato per importazione e consumo di prodotti agroalimentari italiani. Questo mercato in grande crescita si è affermato come porta d’accesso per l’intero continente americano.
L’obiettivo dell’iniziativa è stato fornire una panoramica del settore agroalimentare sul mercato della Florida e informazioni su come approcciare al meglio le opportunità di business offerte dal Paese. Inoltre, è stata presentata l’iniziativa “Authentic Italian Food & Wine Festival”, l’unico evento locale interamente dedicato ai prodotti agroalimentari autentici italiani – giunto ormai alla quarta edizione – che consente di raggiungere oltre 200 buyer del settore crocieristico e alberghiero, ristoratori, importatori e distributori.
Dott. Nevio Boccanera, Segretario Generale,
Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast (IACCSE)
Dott.ssa Alessia Marcenaro, Vice Segretario Generale,
Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast (IACCSE)