Tradeshow Support and assistance

In order to successfully develop markets in foreign countries, we recommend visiting the most important tradeshow events for the particular industry segment.

The services we offer for Tradeshow Support and Assistance include the needed steps that should be taken to be prepared for attending a tradeshow. The services would include performing targeted research and contacting potential business partners, planning the trip and scheduling activities.

In addition, we can support your company in scheduling meetings and local presentations. We also offer interpretation services and personal coaching, if they are needed.

We would be more than happy to schedule a meeting to consult options with your company representatives at any time.

I servizi che offriamo per il supporto e l’assistenza a manifestazioni fieristiche statunitensi comprendono ricerche mirate a contattare potenziali partner commerciali, supporto per l’allestimento stand, supporto per acquisto spazio espositivo, ricerca hostess/interprete e prenotazioni alberghiere.

Inoltre, possiamo supportarvi nell’ organizzazione di riunioni e presentazioni aziendali locali.

Sara’ nostro piacere incontrare un rappresentante della vostra azienda per individuare le opzioni e soluzioni migliori alle vostre esigenze.

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