WHEN March 18 – 21, 2024

WHERE Napoli, Roma, Prato, Treviso

For further information, please reach out to marketing@iacc-miami.com
Click here to know more about the upcoming edition of the event:
MEET US Roadshow in Italy 2024
The IACCSE is getting ready to organize the 4th edition of “Meet US Roadshow in Italy” from March 18th to March 22nd, 2024. The initiative, which will be held in four important Italian cities – Padova, Prato, Roma, Napoli – is intended for those Italian companies interested in exploring new opportunities in the US market: attendees will be provided with detailed information on topics relating to strategic, commercial, administrative, financial, and fiscal matters linked to the expansion of Italian businesses in the US market.
Organized in collaboration with Italian industry associations and local chambers of commerce, the “Meet US Roadshow in Italy” represents a great opportunity for US professional firms to connect with a qualified group of Italian entrepreneurs and managers, under the umbrella of the IACCSE, and for Italian SMEs to learn more about the most important strategic and operational aspects relating to expansion on a market such as the US Southeast.
If you are an expert with extensive knowledge of the U.S. market in fields such as law, accounting, financial services, logistics, and more, we invite you to become a speaker and sponsor for this unique opportunity sharing your expertise with our audience.
As a speaker, you will enjoy enhanced visibility through the chance to connect with 200+ Italian companies, engaging in valuable discussions about the opportunities and challenges in the U.S. market.
For further information and for sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to us at marketing@iacc-miami.com.
Find more details about the last edition of Meet US Roadshow at the following link: https://bec.iaccse.com/meet-us-2022/