SESANV leverages USA, Caribbean and LATAM market (by SESA NC USA Corp.)

SESANV continues to leverage USA, Caribbean and LATAM markets through its Miami – Americas Headquarters offices.

We are now entertaining talks with Operators from multiple countries in the Caribbean Region who are interested in our VoWIFI (Voice over WIFI) Solution.  This solution allows customers to seamless manage phone calls from WIFI environments. The purpose and benefit is to dramatically improve the caller experience in these markets where the Mobile infrastructure is inadequate and or insufficient. This can be paramount during times of natural disasters such as Hurricanes and or Earthquakes.

SESANV has also commence business activities in South America more specifically Peru and soon to follow Colombia and Ecuador. SESANV is planning to open up subsidiaries in South American countries in order to serve this market to its fullest necessities and capabilities. These subsidiaries will receive technical and staffing support from our current SESA do Brasil branch under guidelines and directions from SESANV’s Americas Headquarters hereby in Miami. SESANV’s solutions of interest for the South American market are: Network Analytics, Network Integration, and VoWIFI. VoWIFI serves as an instantaneous solution to the problem of under capacitated mobile network(s). The second stage of this operation is to suit and robust the network(s) with purpose built hardware elements in addition to SESANV’s solutions.

SESANV is also commencing to leverage the North America market as we are currently holding conversations with Operators and we do foreseen an increase in business activities for this market during the second and third quarters ahead.

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